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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Social Media Club opens its doors...and is looking for your feedback

Why the Social Media Club ('SMC') you ask?

We felt there was a need for a neutral third party platform in which people can share best practices, support ethics and standards, and develop programs to promote media literacy. Basically - we wanted to do good, and we want to make the world a more positive place. The SMC seemed like a perfect vehicle to do so.

Knowing there was a lot at stake, we chose to follow Bill Murray's baby steps philosophy and launched the organization with a small project to start, the New Media Release - also known as the hRelease. (HA! I know, I know. If this is our idea of a small project can you imagine what we think is big?) There has been a lot of activity in the Google Group so far, and I am excited to take these points into various online and offline discussions to generate something I can really sink my teeth into.

The first offline discussion starts tonight and will
be held at the Interplast offices in Mountain View. Anyone and everyone interested in joining us - please do so - the more is merrier here. The focus tonight will be a short discussion on the development of the SMC organization and then we will dig into all the gooeyness of the New Media Release. If you are not able to join us in person, we have set up an IRC and will also have 10 conference lines available which are on a first come - first served basis.

Afterwards, we will be heading to an informal "Blogger Dinner" in downtown Mountain View at Tied House http://www.tiedhouse.com/locations/mtn_view.html
where we continue the more is merrier attitude. There will not be an IRC or a conference call available for that gathering. ;)

Look forward to growing this with you all.

Technorati tags: socialmediaclub newmediarelease hrelease interplast


Anonymous Eddie Madden said...

Great bloog I enjoyed reading

10:21 PM


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