BrainJams New Orleans 'Adopts' Sclafani Cooking School
So our collective plan has been put into action, and the team making up BrainJams New Orleans* has agreed to 'adopt' the Sclafani Cooking School as our first victim - oops, I mean 'client' to receive a shot of Web 2.0 goodness.

The Sclafani's were a perfect first choice as they embrace all that we love about New Orleans. First, they are a cooking school in a town that produces some of the most amazing food I have ever eaten. Secondly, they have been a staple in the New Orleans community for over 19 years and are quick to give back when needed. But I guess most importantly, they were open. By this I mean they were open to taking the time to educate a bunch of relatively unknowns on their business model and their short and long-term needs, while at the same time allowing us to hijack their website and marketing collateral. All of this in the hopes our efforts will help them boost the enrollment of new students to above pre-Katrina numbers.
Can it be done? Yes people, I think it can. We have the power of good intention on our side - how can we go wrong?
So our game plan is to focus on revamping the Sclafani Cooking School website, adding in a lead generation program, and educating them on the tools that will help them build a community around their school and their students. The project will be launching this July and I will post a followup once I know we didn't end up putting them out of business. :)
*Several folks have asked who is involved in BrainJams New Orleans. The current team is made up of: Chris Heuer, Kristie Wells, Jeff Harris, Chris Schultz, Blake Killian, Gerard Ramos, Dave Coustan, Brian Oberkirch, Jerry Cashman, and Scott Fredrickson. If you would like to donate your services on future BrainJams projects, please shoot me an email. The more the merrier as far as we are concerned.
Photo Credit: Chris Schultz
Technorati tags: brainjams brainjams:neworleans sclafanicookingschool web2.0web20 collaboration teamwork
Thank youu for sharing
7:27 PM
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